SACC members HVC Mark Stariha, Lucas Sena and Antony Pesec of Intelligent Energy Solutions
Three members of SACC attended the Austrian annual Sydney networking event at BDO to hear a first-hand account of the incredible success of one of Austria’s true “Hidden Champions” Down Under, CEO Voestalpine VAE Railway Systems Pty.
Franz Sodia, of CEO Voestalpine VAE Railway Systems Pty provided great insights into the challenges faced when entering the Australian Market, the need to look ahead, and that often listening to local people made the difference between success and failure. For those in the railway industry, Austria has a steady place amongst the world’s leading providers of products, machinery, and technology.
We had the pleasure of hearing how this global giant in railway systems became involved in Australia and their activities in Australia. With our faraway continent being the first subsidiary location more than 30 years ago, Franz Sodia, CEO and Kylie Huth, COO, had a lot of background knowledge to share. Insights into how one best applies the world of rail track precision and Austrian perfection in an Australian environment were amongst the few treasures shared – apart from great food and, of course, Austrian beer and wine.
A very interesting and informative event for anyone involved or interested in bringing an overseas company to Australia.